Shop For Aquarium Shrimp Specie For Your Tank
There are larger species of aquarium shrimp to shop offered by the aquarium hobbyists, including those aquatic fish breeders. These live fishes add beautification inside the house as a part of the decoratives. If you loom for different species of this live fish, shop aquarium shrimp singapore comes into varieties:
- Ghost
- Amano
- Bamboo shrimp
These varieties can be kept in aquariums for 10 to 55 gallons, while for aquariums of 10 gallons or less, the best live shrimps are:
- Red cherry
- Crystal
- Bee shrimp
When using a canister filter or HOB (hang-on), slide a sponge pre-filter on the intake screen to keep shrimp from being sucked into the filter. The dedicated shrimp breeders use air-driven sponge filters. The live plants are suggested, particularly species, such as:
- Java moss
- Najas
The substrate must be inert (pH neutral) or an aquatic plant medium. There are several substrate materials, designed specifically for dwarf freshwater shrimp. Mature aquariums are preferable, they are more stable and have natural food sources for shrimp. Don’t place dwarf freshwater shrimp in a new set-up aquarium.
Freshwater shrimp behavior!
Dwarf shrimp are active and always engaged in harvesting algae and other food sources. Most species stay small, so they are powerless to predation by the larger fish. Many shrimp lovers set up dedicated shrimp aquariums without fish, but some species of freshwater shrimp are kept with small and non-aggressive fish, such as:
- Boraras rasboras
- Blue-eyed rainbowfish
- Celestial danios
- Emerald dwarf rasboras
- Otocinclus
- Ember tetras
- Endlers livebearers
- Pygmy corydoras catfish
- Sparkling gouramis
Dwarf freshwater shrimp kept with Nerite and other snail species. Prevent from combining different species of similar genus of dwarf freshwater shrimp in the same aquarium to keep cross-breeding. Never keep two different species of the Neocaridina together, but you can mix the Neocaridina with Caridina.
Freshwater shrimp water requirements
If you plan to put dwarf freshwater shrimp, you must know the water requirements as they vary among species. Although nitrites and ammonia must always be undetectable, the nitrates must be below 10 ppm. The three aquarium shrimp are not particular of pH or alkalinity, the extremes are avoided and kept in dechlorinated tap water, including red cherry shrimp, such as:
- Ghost shrimp
- Amano
- Bamboo shrimp
Most bee and crystal shrimp require low-pH water, while the Caridina shrimp need higher pH and alkalinity, along with higher temperatures. You can search for the water requirements of the species intended to keep before buying them.